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Research Fellows

Research Fellows of the D-Lab are CSIC researchers workig at the  Institute for Public Goods & Policies (IPP) in areas connected to the experimental study of inequality and discrmination. All Research Fellows at the D-Lab are members of the Behavioral Social Sciences research group (BeSS) at the IPP.  

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Amalia Álvarez-Benjumea (PhD in Sociology, University of Cologne, 2019) is Ramón y Cajal Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Goods & Policies, Spanish National Research Council (IPP-CSIC). Previously she was a senior research fellow at Mannheim University and at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Germany. Her research focuses on conditions under which social norms change and emerge, especially social norms stigmatizing the overt expression of prejudice, such as racism, xenophobia, or sexism. She also investigates the normative roots of political preferences and behavior. She uses a wide range of experimental and quasi-experimental methods, including original lab-in-the-field online experiments, but also survey and lab experiments. Her work has been published in the European Sociological Review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), and Social Science Research. ...

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Francisco Herreros (PhD Political Science, UCM-Juan March Institute, 2002) is Senior Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid. He has been Fernard Braudel Senior Research Fellow at the European University Institute (Florence), Santander Fellow at St. Antony’s College and Visiting Fellow at All Souls College (University of Oxford). His research interest include trust and social capital, especially the role of institutions in the development of interpersonal trust, and political violence. He has published, amongst others, in Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, Rationality and Society, Political Studies, Politics and Society, Explorations in Economic History and Economic History Review; and he is the author of The Problem of Forming Social Capital: Why Trust? (Palgrave, 2008).


Tarek Jaber-Lopez (PhD in Economics, Universitat Jaume I, 2015) serves as a research fellow at the Institute of Public Goods & Policies, Spanish National Research Council (IPP-CSIC). Formerly, he was Director of LEED (Laboratoire Economie Experimentale de la Defense). ​His research lies around Behavioral and Experimental Economics, with specific interests encompassing social and antisocial behavior, corruption and (dis)honesty, gender and competition, among other related areas. His work has been  published in international journals including, amongst others, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,  Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, etc.. 

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Raúl López-Pérez (PhD in Economics, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2005) is a research fellow at the Institute of Public Goods & Policies, Spanish National Research Council (IPP-CSIC). His main research interests lie primarily in Behavioral Economics, Decision Theory, and Experimental Economics. In particular, social norms, prosocial and antisocial behavior, the formation of beliefs and preferences, conflict, and collective action. His work has been 
published in international journals including, amongst others, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,  Journal of Economic Psychology, International Review of Law & Economics, and PLOS ONE. 

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Luis Miller (PhD in Sociology, 2007) is a Senior Scientist at the Institute of Public Goods & Policies, Spanish National Research Council (IPP-CSIC). His main research fields are experimental sociology, political economy, and public policy. His work has been published in leading international journals including, amongst others, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, Political Analysis, Sociological Methods and Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Games and Economic Behavior, Experimental Economics, European Journal of Political Research, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, and Judgment and Decision Making. He is co-author of the book Experimental Sociology: An Outline of a Scientific Field.

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Turkay Salim Nefes (PhD Sociology, University of Kent, 2010). Following that, he held various postdoctoral positions at the University of Freiburg in 2011 and the University of Oxford from 2012 to 2020. Since January 2020, he has been employed as a Ramon y Cajal researcher at the Institute of Policies and Public Goods at CSIC. His research focuses on the diffusion and impacts of  conspiracy theories and ethno-religious hostility, and his work has been published in academic journals such as British Journal of Sociology, The Sociological Review and Social Science & Medicine, in addition to a book published by Palgrave MacMillan. 

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Javier Polavieja (Oxford University Ph.D. in Sociology, 2001) is Research Professor at the Institute for Public Goods & Policies, Spanish National Research Council (IPP-CSIC), where he directs the Discrimination & Inequality Lab. His main fields of research are social stratification, economic sociology and discrimination research. His work has been published in leading international journals including, amongst others, the American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, Socio-Economic Review, Social Forces, International Migration Review, Labour Economics, Political Behavior, Electoral Studies, Social Indicators Research and International Migration. In 2015, he was elected Fellow of the European Academy of Sociology.

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Leire Salazar (Oxford University Ph.D. in Sociology) is a Senior Scientist at the Institute of Public Goods & Policies, Spanish National Research Council (IPP-CSIC). She has been Associate Professor at UNED and the Lead Scientist of DIGCLASS, at the Joint Research Centre (JRC), European CommissionHer main research interests are in the areas of social and economic inequalities, education, perinatal health and demography. She has published in journals such as European Sociological Review, Acta Sociologica, Social Science & Medicine or American Journal of Sociology. She is also a member of the Advisory Committee of the Social Observatory of “la Caixa” Foundation.

© 2018 by the D-Lab

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