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Lab news


  • Luis Miller interviewed at La Cuestión Palpitante on political polarization, May2024 (Link)

  • Leire Salazar new Research Fellow of the D-Lab since April 2024 

  • Tarek Jaber-Lopez joins the D-Lab as new Research Fellow on December 2023 

  • PhD researcher Fabio Torregiani  inaugurates the WHIP seminar with his presentation “Social  Mechanisms of Misinformation Perception: A Cross-country Survey Experiment”, 12 December, 2023, 12.00 hrs in Herbert Simon room.

  • The European Academy of Sociology 2023 Best Paper Prize goes to Amalia Álvarez-Benjumea for her article “Uncovering hidden opinions: social norms and the expression of xenophobic attitudes,” published in 2023 in European Sociological Review. Our warmest congrats to Amalia!

  • The D-Lab joins the Institute for Public Goods & Policies, IPP, at the Spanish National Reserach Council (CSIC), inaugurating a new phase for the Lab after its first five years at uc3m. The IP wishes to thank the rectory team at uc3m for their support in launcing this project. 

  • The D-Lab welcomes Fiorella Mancini, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, who will be a  visiting Fellow at the D-Lab during the academic course 2022-2023. 

  • Carolina Zuccotti joins the D-Lab as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow to carry out the Global South Migration and Comparative Integration (GLAM) project. funded by Horizon 2020 programme.

  • New competitive project for the D-Lab, “Pushing the Boundaries of Research on Ethno-Racial Discrimination in Hiring (D-Project)”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.  

  • Javier Polavieja speaks  at the Deaton Review Workshop on Immigration Race and Inquality (Link to programme).

  • The D-Lab joins the Red de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales Experimentales (RedEx). (Link to RedEx). 

  • Javier Polavieja speaks about the GEMM project on Jornada Nacional 2020-Reto 6, October 29 2019. Link to the video- conference (in Spanish)

  • The ESR Best Article Prize 2019 goes to Javier G Polavieja, Mariña Fernández-Reino and Maria Ramos for "Are Migrants Selected on Motivational Orientations? Selectivity Patterns amongst International Migrants in Europe”. European Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 570-588

  • GEMM final policy conference held in Paris, 26 October 2018

  • The official presentation of the D-Lab held on 2 October 2018 at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (see media impact)

  • The D-Lab sponsors the1st Spanish Congress of the European Social Survey: "Spanish Society in Comparative Perspective: 15 years of ESS in Spain", 20-21 September 2018 , Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (jointly with ESS, CIS & RECSM-UPF)

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